Customised Photo Framing Online | Alison Kingsgate

Made to measure.
Made simple.

Customize and order stunning made-to-measure picture frames online in any desired size. Discover our extensive collection featuring a wide range of exquisite styles, premium materials including real wood and Engineered wood, and an extensive selection of vibrant colors. Our picture frames are not only visually appealing but also remarkably affordable, allowing you to effortlessly frame your cherished photos, artwork, and posters.

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Frequently asked questions

Thank you for thinking of us for your framing needs! First of all, it depends on what size of frame you order. Our prices for a bespoke size are higher than our standard sizes due to the offcut wastage.
Yes, we are more than happy to frame your pictures, you can post them directly to us at: A K Frames, Unit 3, Kingseat Road, Dunfermline, KY12 0UA and upon receipt we will frame them and have them ready to hang before sending it back.
To have your beautiful canvases framed contact us directly and our skilled craftsmen will be more than happy to help.
All of our frames are the size of the pictures you need, for example, if your photo is an A4 size, you would need an A4 frame. If you don’t know the size of your picture, simply measure the width and length, this will give you the exact measurements you need for your frame.
You should allow 2-3 weeks for our skilled framers to make your bespoke frame.
Our frames come with a clear Perspex sheet that is safer and more eco-friendly to use. This acrylic sheet is a much more popular option, it's lighter, stronger and has much more clarity than glass.
If your order is lost or stolen, let us know and we will do everything we can to investigate the situation. Of-course we do not want you to be without your order, so we will replace a lost or stolen frame, free of charge.
If the frame arrives and it does not fit, tell us straight away. Our customer service team is dedicated to rectifying any mistakes we have made and if we have sent out the wrong size by accident or if there are any defaults in the frame, we will replace it for you free of charge and not ask you to return the incorrect frame.
Our main goal is to satisfy your framing needs!
We now have a made-to-measure service online where you can browse our latest designs and styles of frames, making your framing journey simple and easy to navigate through a click of a button.

If You Have More Questions

Feel free to contact us
